Using the Oil Paste Pencil

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The oil crayon pastel gras pencil is a fun medium that can be used to build up layers of colour. It’s important to experiment with the different mark-making and layering techniques available. The best way to get the most out of this medium is to create a series of quick studies, and to try out various different blending tools and techniques.

Unlike traditional pencil crayons, oil pastels can be blended with your fingers. This allows you to have full control over the blending process as you can stir, knead and weave a medley of colours into beautiful blends and textures. This is an ideal method for large areas and can produce some very exciting effects. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that this can be a bit messy! It’s always a good idea to keep some paper towels or cloth nearby to protect your hands from smudging.

Blending Brilliance: Unleashing Creative Potential with Oil Pastel Pencils

A brush is also a popular tool for blending oil pastels. This can be a great way to smooth out your drawing and give it some added definition. You can use a regular paint brush or ones specifically designed for working with oils. A mineral spirit such as turpentine or white spirit can be a useful thinner for oil pastels too. However, it is a toxic substance so should be used with caution.

Pipe insulation foam is another surprisingly popular tool amongst oil pastel artists. It does a great job of smoothing out your colours, and it’s not something you’ll find in your local art store!